How to Make a Seamless Transition to Working Remotely

Working Remotely, Working From Home, Work From Home, Remote Work, Home Office

Make the switch from the ole cubicle to your home office recently? Staying indoors while working remotely can seem stressful if you go in without a gameplan. Here are some helpful tips on how to take charge of your new remote work journey here at Sunnyside Village!


Hone Your Home Office Space


Working from home makes it easy to work from anywhere, but some places are better than others. Instead of getting overly comfy in bed, set up a dedicated office space in order to hone your focus. Consider placing your workstation near a sunny window that you can open. The fresh air and sunshine could do you good and keep the blues away while you’re staying indoors.


Stick to a Routine Remote Work Schedule


Now that you don’t have to commute anymore, it can be easy to let your regular routine fall by the wayside. However, maintaining a regular schedule while working from home keeps you grounded and structured. Keep a planner, wake up at the same time, get dressed in fresh clothes! These simple behaviors will help you stay on track with your daily tasks in the workplace and in general.


Take Breaks When Needed


While some may struggle with finding motivation while working remotely, others may find it difficult not to overwork themselves! Keep yourself in check by establishing a healthy break schedule in between shift hours. Get up to stretch, take your full lunch hour, everything you need to keep yourself refreshed. And if you’re working from a laptop or desktop, stay on top of the 20-20-20 break routine. Every twenty minutes, look away from your computer screen for at least twenty seconds and focus on something twenty feet away. This will combat eye strain from the bright blue light emitted from electronic devices.


You can make your work from home routine breezy by adopting these suggestions! Got any other home office tips to try? Let us know in the comments!